Sunday, April 09, 2006

My Heroes/Personal Ad

Oh my goodness. It's that time again, Sunday evening, another weekend past, & I am, fundamentally, lonely.

I pause to consider the men who have captured my attention within the last year or so. Anderson Cooper on CNN, for his courageous stand on the terrible state of things in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina & the devastation it wreaked on New Orleans, my very favorite American city & personal soul-home. Not to mention the fact that he's kept up the pressure long after other camera crews went home & busied themselves with the next disaster-du-jour. Anderson Cooper for President!

This year, it's Jon Stewart & his hilarious "news program," the Daily Show, on Comedy Central. A "pretend" journalist who gets it righter than the real ones most of the time, precisely because he is free to depict the spirit of the real story, and also because he dares to ask the pointed questions real journalists should, but don't.

See Jon's interview of John McCain, I man I once admired for being the sole stand-up Republican in a deep pool of jellyfish & sharks, until he got to thinking his political future might rest in the hands of the Bush Administration's legendary fundraising juggernaut (I can only conclude). Guess money CAN buy ya love.

Anderson & Jon, I love you but I'm not in love with you. And I'm not just a shallow celebrity groupie.

Yesterday I fell in love with Harry Taylor, a guy who lives, presumably, in North Carolina, at least it was there that he stepped up & dressed down Mr. Bush, who was on one of his interminable whistlestop-&-outreach tours trying to convince ordinary Americans he's doing the right thing. Gives me vertigo just thinking about it.

Anyway, up stands Harry Taylor, a real estate broker, and says to Bush, "In my lifetime, I have never felt more ashamed of, nor more frightened by my leadership in Washington, including the presidency, by the Senate...And I would hope -- I feel like despite your rhetoric, that compassion and common sense have been left far behind during your administration, and I would hope from time to time that you have the humility and the grace to be ashamed of yourself inside yourself."

Harry Taylor, will you marry me?

About me: I look better in person than my photo here, I'm well-behaved despite what my prose here would indicate (still waters run deep), I like puppies & newborn kittens, & I want to move back to a warmer climate.

Anybody out there who knows Harry, please forward this on to him.


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