Feinstein & Schumer ~ We Couldn't Have Seen This Coming

"We thought he was a nice rule-of-law man who, when he said he wouldn't let politics interfere with the DOJ, we thought he meant appointment of Gonzales-style GOP attack dogs for purely partisan purposes. We had no idea he'd turn that against Congressional attempts to do its job under the Constitution."
Mukasey then (2 mos. ago, above).
Mukasey now, channelling Col. Klink: "We know nothink! Nothink at all! The DOJ & the CIA will investigate themselves. Trust us."

The AP story Friday:
"Attorney General Michael Mukasey refused Friday to give Congress details of the government's investigation into interrogations of terror suspects that were videotaped and destroyed by the CIA. He said doing so could raise questions about whether the inquiry is vulnerable to political pressure.
"In letters Friday to leaders of the House and Senate Judiciary committees that oversee the Justice Department, Mukasey also said there is no need right now to appoint a special prosecutor to lead the investigation. The preliminary inquiry currently is being handled by the Justice Department and the CIA's inspector general."
Meantime, Senate Republicans blocked a bill Friday that would restrict the CIA's interrogation methods. Already passed by the House, the bill would require the CIA to adhere to the Army's field manual on interrogation, which bans waterboarding, mock executions and other harsh methods.
"Senate opponents discovered a parliamentary flaw: The ban on harsh tactics had not been in the original intelligence bills passed by the House and Senate...[...] Although it's not unheard of for new language to be added in House-Senate negotiations, the rules allow such a move to be challenged and the language stripped from the bill. Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., placed a hold on the bill while the GOP procedural challenge goes forward.
"Addressing congressional demands for facts in the CIA tapes inquiry, Mukasey noted that the Justice Department generally does not give out information about pending cases.
'This policy is based in part on our interest in avoiding any perception that our law enforcement decisions are subject to political influence,' Mukasey wrote. 'Accordingly, I will not at this time provide further information in response to your letter, but appreciate the committee's interests in this matter.'
"An almost-identical letter was sent Thursday to Democratic leaders of the House Judiciary Committee.
"Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike angrily denounced Mukasey's refusal, which they said blocks congressional oversight of the Justice Department.
"Additionally, lawmakers from both parties accused the Justice Department of obstructing a House Intelligence Committee inquiry by advising the CIA against cooperating.
"'Earlier today, our staff was notified that the Department of Justice has advised CIA not cooperate with our investigation,' House Intelligence Chairman Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, and the panel's top Republican, Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, said in a joint statement Friday.
"'We are stunned that the Justice Department would move to block our investigation,' Reyes and Hoekstra said. 'Parallel investigations occur all of the time, and there is no basis upon which the Attorney General can stand in the way of our work. ... It's clear that there's more to this story than we have been told, and it is unfortunate that we are being prevented from learning the facts. The executive branch can't be trusted to oversee itself.'
{Oh, no, Santa, say it ain't so!}
"In a letter Thursday to CIA Director Michael Hayden, the House panel asked the CIA to hand over by Friday all documents and cables regarding the interrogation tapes and their destruction. But the Justice Department since has advised the CIA to refuse the request, a committee official said Friday on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak for the committee."The committee official said the Justice Department asked the panel 'to stand back while they do their investigation' — suggesting it will block the testimony of acting CIA General Counsel John Rizzo and Jose Rodriguez, the former head of the National Clandestine Service. Both have been summoned to testify to the committee on Dec. 18. Rodriguez ordered the tapes destroyed.
"Leahy said he was disappointed that Mukasey denied the details to his committee — even in a classified setting.
"'Oversight fosters accountability,' Leahy said. 'This committee needs to fully understand whether the government used cruel interrogation techniques and torture, contrary to our basic values.'
"Leahy said the tapes would be a top topic at his committee's hearing next week to consider the nomination of U.S. District Judge Mark Filip for deputy attorney general, the Justice Department's No. 2 official. It also will come up at oversight hearings of the Justice Department that Leahy said he would schedule for early next year."
Bravo! Another brilliant demonstration of the Democrats trying to close the barn door after the livestock have all escaped. Your Demon will certainly sleep better tonight, won't you?
"The videotapes, made in 2002, showed the CIA's interrogations of two terror suspects. They were made to document how CIA officers used new, harsh questioning techniques approved by the White House to force recalcitrant prisoners to talk. The CIA destroyed the tapes in 2005 but acknowledged doing so only last week.
"The disclosure brought immediate condemnation from Capitol Hill and from a human rights group which charged the spy agency's action amounted to criminal destruction of evidence.
"Intelligence officials have said the methods that were shown on the videotapes included waterboarding, an interrogation tactic that causes the sensation of drowning and is banned by the Pentagon. The issue of waterboarding threatened to derail Senate approval of Mukasey last month.
"During his confirmation hearings in October, Mukasey promised senators he would review Justice Department memos after becoming attorney general to determine whether waterboarding amounts to torture — which would deem it illegal. Earlier this week, however, Mukasey said he has not yet finished that review, and rebuffed calls from Congress to make a speedy decision.
"Mukasey's refusal Friday came after weeks of requests from Congress for details on a bevy of investigations."
Labels: Mukasey Obstructs Congressional Investigation of Torture Tapes
Hi...checking up on you. Hope all is well. These people are retards...and we deserve them for having spineless Dems for leaders. They were to lead us out of the wilderness...instead they've lead us down the wrong path of the perversion of justice. What a disappointment!
Yeah, what about that? The only Dem I can think of who's even more depressing in terms of shirking his duties is Harry Reid. There seem to be no real alternatives anymore, just neocon lite.
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